The Animals That Share My Home

Little Bear
Take your time, smell the flowers, explore nature and love - just love.
When I did something that mom considered "bad" I was always trying to tell her something. Now she listens. Take the time to listen to your pet. We love you and don't want to disappoint you.

Have faith. I was rescued after being abandoned by my cat mom at two weeks old, cold and starving. I knew someone would save me - and love me. Sure enough that happened and I now have a great home and people who love me. Never give up hope.

Cats are living, breathing, loving creatures that have feelings. We express so much love and are very loyal. Sometimes humans just don't understand us. Take some time and talk to a cat. We are much more than what we seem.
And some wisdom they wanted to share with you
Take advantage of the now. Make the most of each and every moment.

Have you ever noticed how you can make a cat or dog upset with you and then two minutes later we have forgotten that we were upset? Be like us, live your life forgiving everyone you have been upset with. It will set you free.

Be yourself... be your authentic, beautiful self no matter what anyone else thinks.

Having an extra pound or two isn't the worst thing that could happen! Love yourself always!

Don't deprive yourself of treats... and give your cats plenty of Temptations treats.

Get outside and enjoy nature! Climb trees, chase bugs and be happy!

Animals reincarnate. If you have lost a pet, it is entirely possible for us to come back to you in a new body. I did this recently. I came back to my Mom and Dad after passing a year prior to cancer. Sometimes all it takes is for you to ask.

Josephine (Jojo)
Play - make time in your life for play and fun and laughter. Forget being an adult for a while each day and be the kitten that is still inside you.